Sunday, January 11, 2009

Farewell To A Harper's Garden

Gosh, I didn't intend to leave this blog when I started Jane's Medicine Tree--certainly not so soon. Well, maybe I did! It just seems to me that this space represents where I was for a year--a beautiful self-sowing garden full of lovely medicinal and cooking herbs--but, well, I'm just not there anymore! Heck, even the flowers in the photo below the A Harper's Garden are from a former home of mine--my grandparents' house in California. And, double-heck! Even the name of the blog, A Harper's Garden, comes from a business of mine that dissolved quite awhile back!

The lovely herbs remain with me, of course, and my views from the Island that was my home and heart-place for ten years. And my grandmother's roses, and that home-of-grace--the house my grandparents had built in 1936, and lived in for the rest of their lives--of course that remains in my creative and soul geography. And the fun I had with the biz remains with me still! Now, though, it's time to move into my newly rooted perspective, with those beautiful nourishing places and times continuing as branches in my Tree and continuing as rich and lively humus for my soil/soul ....

Thanks for visiting my Garden! I hope you will continue with me on my journey via the Medicine Tree.

1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

Wow! What an amazing life you live. It sounds beautiful. Soul geography, I love that term and deeply understand it. I am glad that your dream is to fully be yourself and have fun wherever you are! I think you're definitely doing this, considering the beautiful smile on your face. Yay to your dream!