Monday, June 2, 2008

Where In The World?

Eggs Of Peace - a garden photo

It's been quite a while since I last posted. Here is the latest goings on in the garden of my life.

1. We're selling our place on Vashon and moving to ...???? The short version is that we realized that we were working against the nature of our very beautiful place here on Vashon (as well as against King County's regulatory nature) in what we wanted to do next (build a passive solar home, scale down our farming and gardening....). We have a couple of enticing possibilities that we'll be exploring the week after next in northern California. More news if and when things unfold!

2. The first of the Inspiration & Healing Deck artists collaboration is complete, with the second proof due soon! I'm excited to have two pieces of artwork included in this project, and thank the ever-miraculous, Kara Jones for dreaming this and making it happen!

3. The Labyrinth Retreat didn't happen ... but it may be rescheduled. Contemplative retreat facilitator, Carol Spangler, labyrinth designer Betty Hawkins and I have a beautiful day of reflection designed for sharing in the luminous space of a garden labyrinth. If you think you might be interested in attending, let me know!

4. I'm back to work on my book!
Ok ... this may not be fanfare news for those of you who've heard about my book for the past 20 years (I'm not kidding). I have Kara to thank yet again, for her inspiration. When I viewed what she's offering for sale I woke up to the possibilities of "print-on-demand" publishing, and realized that technology and availability have finally caught up to my dream of creating a full-color book that is a novel verging on graphic novel ....

One of the gifts of having to simplify our lives and possessions as we live in our 24' diameter yurt and most likely will be in very transitional housing for months to come, is that I'm granted the opportunity to select carefully what and how I'm going to focus my creative energy. Right now I'm choosing to create art everyday, working on my skills as I go, with a mind and eye to what might weave with the novel. Our scanner is in storage, otherwise I'd share what I've been playing with!
5. I've been tagged! See Kara's comment at the end of my last post. I'll try to respond to it next time!

Hens In The Greens - delicious!

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